Leonardo est un écrivain en ligne depuis plus de trois ans. Il est ingénieur électromécanicien de formation et titulaire d’un MBA.

Savez-vous quels appareils domestiques consomment le moins d’énergie ?
Andrewlp1991 sur fr.wikipedia [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html), CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://crea
If you want to reduce your electric bill, you should know which home devices are the top consumers of electricity. Devices such as air conditioners and electric resistance heaters should be used with moderation, unless you want to get a huge bill from your utility company!
But do you know which devices consume very little energy? These are the ones you can use as needed without fear of a huge bill.
1. Cellphone Chargers
Cellphone chargers typically draw around five watts when charging a phone, and less than one watt when on stand-by. If we assume the cost of electricity to be $0.15/kWh, this is what it costs to charge your phone for one hour:
- Energy = 0.005 kW x 1 hr = 0.005 kWh
- Cost = 0.005 kWh x $0.15/kWh = $0.00075
Assume you charge your phone for three hours each day, for a total of 1,095/year. The total energy expense is . . . $0.82!
In other words, the power consumption of a cellphone charger is insignificant. Of course, it is still recommendable that you unplug it when not using it. The savings for you are negligible, but if everyone has the habit the environmental benefit adds up!

Laptop computers use very little energy
By Sir Stig (Own work (Transfered by Mono)) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa
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2. Laptop Computers
Depending on what programs you’re running, a laptop computer can draw something in the range of 20 to 70 watts. How much you consume depends on what you’re doing: Typing a document in Microsoft Word is much less power-intensive than running a 25-player raid in World of Warcraft, to provide a drastic example.
Let’s assume your laptop is your main tool for work, and you have it on for around eight hours each day. With respect to power consumption, let’s assume 40 watts. Having a laptop on for 2,300 hours/year is equivalent to:
- Energy = 0.040 kW x 2,300 hr = 92 kWh
- Cost = 92 kWh x $0.15/kWh = $13.80
I think we can all agree that $13.80/year is a very small expense, especially if we’re talking about a tool that is often used for generating income. The cost of using a laptop computer is just slightly above one dollar per month.

Upgrading old bulbs to LEDs makes financial sense
Geoffrey.landis at English Wikipedia [CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)]via W
3. Ampoules LED
Une LED de remplacement pour une ampoule à incandescence de 60 watts ne consomme que 10 watts de puissance, ce qui représente 83 % d’économies. Si vous avez une ampoule LED de 10 watts et que vous l’utilisez six heures par jour, vous pouvez vous attendre aux dépenses annuelles suivantes :
- Énergie = 0,010 kW x 6 heures x 365 jours = 21,9 kWh
- Coût = 21,9 kWh x 0,15 $/kWh = 3,29 $
3,29 $ par an comptent à peine comme une dépense… c’est pourquoi il est fortement recommandé de remplacer les anciennes ampoules par des ampoules à DEL. N’oubliez pas : il y a beaucoup d’ampoules dans une maison et elles s’additionnent. Même s’ils sont à DEL, éteignez-les lorsqu’ils ne sont pas nécessaires.
Ce contenu est exact et fidèle au meilleur de la connaissance de l’auteur et ne vise pas à remplacer les conseils formels et individualisés d’un professionnel qualifié.